Hello, my name is

Danny Bravo

I'm a front-end web developer

About Me

I'm a front-end web developer with a love for technology and a passion for learning. I've got a background in problem solving and I've always been driven by an overwhelming desire to build and create. Coupled with a deep interest in computers and technology, It became apparent to me that web development was the path meant for me. In this way, I can take pleasure in working closely with the tools that I love most, in order to create anything and everything that I can think of. I am constantly trying to learn new things and expand my knowledge, as I belielve that is always progress that can be made in one's skills and understanding.



Able to write organized and structured HTML with proper semantics and grouping, in order to provide smooth dev-side management as well as providing a better user experience especially for those with accessibilty needs.

CSS {}

Able to create responsive styles and transitions, while oganizing page layouts with tools like grid and flexbox. With great understanding of the box-model and experience interacting with DOM to correct styling interferences.

JavaScript ❩ => {}

Experience using functions and event handlers to add interactivity to web pages, as well as using asynchronous functions, XMLHttpRequests, and object-oriented programming to add scalability to any project. Experience with DOM and Console interaction and debugging

git init

Experience with managing repositories and the process of initializing, staging, committing, and going through logged commits.

{&-Sass {}}

Able to effectively use Sass to further organize and aid in creating stylesheets using nested selectors, variables, mixins and function to boost efficiency and convenience, while reducing repetitivity.


Able to create responsive mobile-first sites by utilizing bootstrap's streamlined class styling system, in order to simplify the creation process and increase efficiency.